Tuesday 29 January 2013

My Current Favourite Shoes

This blog post is dedicated to my two favourite pair of shoes at the moment to wear during the day.

The first pair were brought for me as a birthday present from my amazing twin sister and they are white converse covered in sequins. They are exclusive to office stores and retail at £56.99. These are one of my favourite pairs of shows because I feel they really make an outfit and with the sequins being in many different colours you can wear them with lots of different outfits. Some people might feel they are a bit over the top, but when I'm just wearing jeans and a t-shirt I feel they really help to brighten up my outfit. They’re also really comfortable and don't rub me at all, which some other casual trainer style shoes such as vans do. 

The second pair of shoes contrast with the converse as they are much dressier. They are the 'Millicent stud back black boots' from Topshop, retailing slightly cheaper than the converse at £40. These are my favourite shoes at the moment to wear with a day dress and tights, or a skirt and blouse.  They also look great with a pair of black skinny jeans, and with studs being very in at the moment I feel they really add a fashionable edge to your outfit. Like the converse they are very comfortable to wear. One downside to these boots are that the heels put on them are not of a great quality and I had to get mine re-heeled after I wore them around 10 times! However I did do an hour round trip to uni when I wore them.

I get a lot of wear out of both pairs of shoes and would recommend both pairs to anyone thinking of buying them!

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